class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 2.4 — Costs of Production ## ECON 306 • Microeconomic Analysis • Spring 2021 ### Ryan Safner
Assistant Professor of Economics
--- class: inverse # Outline ### [Opportunity Costs in Production](#6) ### [Costs in the Short Run](#20) ### [Costs in the Long Run](#42) --- # Recall: The Firm's Two Problems .pull-left[ .smallest[ 1<sup>st</sup> Stage: .hi[firm's profit maximization problem]: 1. **Choose:** .hi-blue[ < output >] 2. **In order to maximize:** .hi-green[< profits >] 2<sup>nd</sup> Stage: .hi[firm's cost minimization problem]: 1. **Choose:** .hi-blue[ < inputs >] 2. **In order to _minimize_:** .hi-green[< cost >] 3. **Subject to:** .hi-red[< producing the optimal output >] - Minimizing costs `\(\iff\)` maximizing profits ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # A *Competitive* Market .pull-left[ - We assume (for now) the firm is in a .hi[competitive] industry: 1. Firms’ products are .hi-purple[perfect substitutes] 2. Firms are .hi-purple[“price-takers”], no one firm can affect the *market price* 3. Market .hi-purple[entry and exit are free]<sup>.magenta[†]</sup> ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] .footnote[<sup>.magenta[†]</sup> Remember this feature. It turns out to be the most important feature that distinguishes different types of industries!] --- # Profit .pull-left[ - Recall that profit is is: `$$\pi=\underbrace{pq}_{revenues}-\underbrace{(wl+rk)}_{costs}$$` - We’ll first take a closer look at costs today, then at revenues - Next class we'll put them together to find `\(q^*\)` that maximizes `\(\pi\)` (the first stage problem) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Opportunity Costs in Production --- # Costs in Economics are Opportunity Costs .pull-left[ - Remember, .hi[economic costs] are different from common conception of “cost” - .hi-purple[Accounting cost]: monetary cost - .hi[Economic cost]: value of next best alternative use of resources given up (i.e. .hi[opportunity cost]) ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Costs in Economics are Opportunity Costs .pull-left[ - This leads to the difference between - .hi-purple[Accounting profit]: revenues minus accounting costs - .hi-purple[Economic profit]: revenues minues *opportunity* costs - One of the most difficult concepts to think about! ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Costs in Economics are Opportunity Costs .pull-left[ - Another helpful perspective: - .hi-purple[Accounting cost]: what you **historically** paid for a resource - .hi[Economic cost]: what you can **currently** get in the market for a selling a resource - Resource's value in *alternative* uses ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Costs in Economics are Opportunity Costs .pull-left[ - Because resources are scarce, and have rivalrous uses, .hi-turquoise[how do we know we are using resources efficiently??] - In functioning markets, .hi-purple[the market price measures the opportunity cost of using a resource for an alternative use] - Firms not only pay for direct use of a resource, but also indirectly compensate society for *"pulling the resource out"* of alternate uses in the economy! ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # Opportunity Costs in Production .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Every choice incurs an opportunity cost[ .green[**Examples**]: .smallest[ - If you start a business, you may give up your salary at your current job - If you invest in a factory, you give up other investment opportunities - If you use an office building you own, you cannot rent it to other people - If you hire a skilled worker, you must pay them a high enough salary to deter them from working for other firms ] ] ] --- # Opportunity Cost is Hard for People .center[  ] --- # Opportunity Costs vs. Sunk Costs .pull-left[ - Opportunity cost is a *forward-looking* concept - Choices made in the *past* with *non-recoverable* costs are called .hi[sunk costs] - Sunk costs *should not* enter into future decisions - Many people have difficulty letting go of unchangeable past decisions: .hi-purple[sunk cost fallacy] ] .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] --- # Sunk Costs: Examples .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] -- .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Sunks Costs: Examples .center[  ] --- # Common Sunk Costs in Business .pull-left[ - Licensing fees, long-term lease contracts - Specific capital (with no alternative use): uniforms, menus, signs - Research & Development spending - Advertising spending ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # The Accounting vs. Economic Point of View I .pull-left[ - Helpful to consider two points of view: 1. .hi-purple[“Accounting point of view”]: are you taking in more cash than you are spending? 2. .hi-purple[“Economic point of view”]: is your product you making the *best social* use of your resources - i.e. are there higher-valued uses of your resources you are keeping them away from? ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- # The Accounting vs. Economic Point of View II .pull-left[ - .hi-turquoise[Social implications]: are consumers *best* off with you using scarce resources (with alternative uses!) to produce your current product? - Remember: .hi-turquoise[this is an *economics* course, not a *business* course]! - What might be good/bad for one business might have bad/good *consequences* for society! - e.g. monopoly vs. competition ] .pull-right[ .center[   ] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Costs in the Short Run --- # Costs in the Short Run - .hi[Total cost function, `\\(C(q)\\)`] relates output `\(q\)` to the total cost of production `\(C\)` `$$C(q)=f+VC(q)$$` -- - Two kinds of short run costs: **1.** .hi[Fixed costs, `\\(f\\)`] are costs that do not vary with output - Only true in the short run! (Consider this the cost of maintaining your capital) -- **2.** .hi[Variable costs, `\\(VC(q)\\)`] are costs that vary with output (notice the variable in them!) - Typically, the more production of `\(q\)`, the higher the cost - e.g. firm is hiring *additional* labor --- # Fixed vs. Variable costs: Examples .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[[.hi-green[Example]: Airlines **Fixed costs**: the aircraft **Variable costs**: getting one more customer in a seat ] ] --- # Fixed vs. Variable costs: Examples .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[[.hi-green[Example]: Car Factory **Fixed costs**: the factory, machines in the factory **Variable costs**: producing one more car ] ] --- # Fixed vs. Variable costs: Examples .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[[.hi-green[Example]: Starbucks **Fixed costs**: the retail space **Variable costs**: selling one more cup of coffee ] ] --- # Fixed vs. Sunk costs .pull-left[ .smallest[ - Diff. between .hi[fixed] vs. .hi-purple[sunk] costs? - .hi-purple[Sunk costs] are a *type* of .hi[fixed cost] that are *not* avoidable or recoverable - Many .hi[fixed costs] can be avoided or changed in the long run - Common .hi[fixed], but *not* .hi-purple[sunk], costs: - rent for office space, durable equipment, operating permits (that are renewed) - When deciding to *stay* in business, .hi[fixed costs] matter, .hi-purple[sunk costs] do not! ] ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Cost Functions: Example[ .green[**Example**]: Suppose your firm has the following total cost function: `$$C(q)=q^2+q+10$$` ] 1. Write a function for the fixed costs, `\(f\)`. 2. Write a function for the variable costs, `\(VC(q)\)`. --- # Cost Functions: Example, Visualized .pull-left[ .tiny[ | `\(q\)` | `\(f\)` | `\(VC(q)\)` | `\(C(q)\)` | |----:|----:|--------:|-------:| | `\(0\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(0\)` | `\(10\)` | | `\(1\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(2\)` | `\(12\)` | | `\(2\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(6\)` | `\(16\)` | | `\(3\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(12\)` | `\(22\)` | | `\(4\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(20\)` | `\(30\)` | | `\(5\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(30\)` | `\(40\)` | | `\(6\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(42\)` | `\(52\)` | | `\(7\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(56\)` | `\(66\)` | | `\(8\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(72\)` | `\(82\)` | | `\(9\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(90\)` | `\(100\)` | | `\(10\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(110\)` | `\(120\)` | ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Average Costs - .hi[Average Fixed Cost]: fixed cost per unit of output: `$$AFC(q)=\frac{f}{q}$$` -- - .hi[Average Variable Cost]: variable cost per unit of output: `$$AVC(q)=\frac{VC(q)}{q}$$` -- - .hi[Average (Total) Cost]: (total) cost per unit of output: `$$AC(q)=\frac{C(q)}{q}$$` --- # Marginal Cost - .hi[Marginal Cost] is the change in cost for each additional unit of output produced: `$$MC(q) = \frac{\Delta C(q)}{\Delta q} \approx \frac{C_2-C_1}{q_2-q_1}$$` - Calculus: first derivative of the cost function - .hi-purple[Marginal cost is the *primary* cost that matters in making decisions] - All other costs are driven by marginal costs - This is the main cost that firms can "see" --- # The Importance of Marginal Cost .center[  [Dazexiang Rebellion against the Qin Dynasty (209 B.C.)]( ] --- # Average and Marginal Costs: Example[ .smallest[ .green[**Example**]: A small farm grows strawberries on 5 acres of land that it rents for $200 a week. The farm can hire workers at a wage of $250/week for each worker. The table below shows how the output of strawberries (in truckloads) varies with the number of workers hired:] .pull-left[ .smaller[ | Output | Labor | |--------|------:| | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 3 | | 3 | 7 | | 4 | 12 | | 5 | 18 | ] ] ] .pull-right[ 1. If labor is the only variable cost, calculate the `\(MC(q)\)` and `\(AC(q)\)` for each of the first 5 truckloads. ] --- # Average and Marginal Costs: Visualized .pull-left[ .tiny[ | `\(q\)` | `\(C(q)\)` | `\(MC(q)\)` | `\(AFC(q)\)` | `\(AVC(q)\)` | `\(AC(q)\)` | |----:|----:|--------:|-------:| | `\(0\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(-\)` | `\(-\)` | `\(-\)` | `\(-\)` | | `\(1\)` | `\(12\)` | `\(2\)` | `\(10.00\)` | `\(2\)` | `\(12.00\)` | | `\(2\)` | `\(16\)` | `\(4\)` | `\(5.00\)` | `\(3\)` | `\(8.00\)` | | `\(3\)` | `\(22\)` | `\(6\)` | `\(3.33\)` | `\(4\)` | `\(7.30\)` | | `\(4\)` | `\(30\)` | `\(8\)` | `\(2.50\)` | `\(5\)` | `\(7.50\)` | | `\(5\)` | `\(40\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(2.00\)` | `\(6\)` | `\(8.00\)` | | `\(6\)` | `\(52\)` | `\(12\)` | `\(1.67\)` | `\(7\)` | `\(8.70\)` | | `\(7\)` | `\(66\)` | `\(14\)` | `\(1.43\)` | `\(8\)` | `\(9.40\)` | | `\(8\)` | `\(82\)` | `\(16\)` | `\(1.25\)` | `\(9\)` | `\(10.25\)` | | `\(9\)` | `\(100\)` | `\(18\)` | `\(1.11\)` | `\(10\)` | `\(11.10\)` | | `\(10\)` | `\(120\)` | `\(20\)` | `\(1.00\)` | `\(11\)` | `\(12.00\)` | ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Relationship Between Marginal and Average .pull-left[ .smallest[ - Relationship between a marginal and an average value: - .red[marginal] `\(<\)` .orange[average], .orange[average] `\(\downarrow\)` ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Relationship Between Marginal and Average .pull-left[ .smallest[ - Relationship between a marginal and an average value: - .red[marginal] `\(<\)` .orange[average], .orange[average] `\(\downarrow\)` - .red[marginal] `\(>\)` .orange[average], .orange[average] `\(\uparrow\)` ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Relationship Between Marginal and Average .pull-left[ .smallest[ - Relationship between a marginal and an average value: - .red[marginal] `\(<\)` .orange[average], .orange[average] `\(\downarrow\)` - .red[marginal] `\(>\)` .orange[average], .orange[average] `\(\uparrow\)` - When .red[marginal] `\(=\)` .orange[average], .orange[average] is **maximized/minimized** - .hi-purple[When `\\(MC=AC\\)`, `\\(AC\\)` is at a *minimum*] - .hi-purple[When `\\(MC=AVC\\)`, `\\(AVC\\)` is at a *minimum*] - Economic importance (later): Break-even price and shut-down price ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Short Run Costs: Example[ .green[**Example**:] Suppose a firm's cost structure is described by: `$$\begin{align*} C(q)&=15q^2+8q+45\\ MC(q)&=30q+8\\ \end{align*}$$` ] 1. Write expressions for the firm's **fixed costs**, **variable costs**, **average fixed costs**, **average variable costs**, and **average (total) costs**. 2. Find the minimum average (total) cost. 3. Find the minimum average variable cost. --- # Costs: Example: Visualized <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" width="864" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse, center, middle # Costs in the Long Run --- # Costs in the Long Run .pull-left[ - .hi[Long run]: firm can change all factors of production & vary scale of production - .hi-purple[Long run average cost, LRAC(q)]: cost per unit of output when the firm can change *both* `\(l\)` and `\(k\)` to make more `\(q\)` - .hi-purple[Long run marginal cost, LRMC(q)]: change in long run total cost as the firm produce an additional unit of `\(q\)` (by changing *both* `\(l\)` and/or `\(k\)`) ] .pull-right[ .center[  ] ] --- # Average Cost in the Long Run .pull-left[ - .hi[Long run]: firm can choose `\(k\)` (factories, locations, etc) - Separate short run average cost (SRAC) curves for each amount of `\(k\)` potentially chosen ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Average Cost in the Long Run .pull-left[ - .hi[Long run]: firm can choose `\(k\)` (factories, locations, etc) - Separate short run average cost (SRAC) curves for each amount of `\(k\)` potentially chosen - .purple[Long run average cost (LRAC)] curve "envelopes" the lowest (optimal) parts of all the SRAC curves! .smallest[ > "Subject to producing the optimal amount of output, choose l and k to minimize cost" ] ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Long Run Costs & Scale Economies I .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Further properties about costs based on .hi[scale economies] of production: - .hi[Economies of scale]: costs fall with output - `\(AFC > AVC(q)\)` - .hi[Diseconomies of scale]: costs rise with output - `\(AFC < AVC(q)\)` - .hi[Constant economies of scale]: costs don't change with output - Firm at minimum average cost ] --- # Long Run Costs & Scale Economies I .pull-left[ .center[  ] ] .pull-right[ - Note .hi[economies of scale] `\(\neq\)` .hi-purple[returns to scale]! - .hi-purple[Returns to Scale] (last class): a **technological** relationship between inputs & output - .hi[Economies of Scale] (this class): an **economic** relationship between output and average costs ] --- # Long Run Costs & Scale Economies II .pull-left[ - .hi[Minimum Efficient Scale]: `\(q\)` with the lowest `\(AC(q)\)` - .hi-green[Economies of Scale]: `\(\uparrow q\)`, `\(\downarrow AC(q)\)` - .hi-red[Diseconomies of Scale]: `\(\uparrow q\)`, `\(\uparrow AC(q)\)` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Long Run Costs and Scale Economies: Example[ .green[**Example**]: A firm's long run cost structure is as follows: `$$\begin{align*} LRC(q)&= 32000q-250q^2+q^3\\ LRMC(q)&=32000-500q+3q^2\\ \end{align*}$$` ] 1. At what levels of output will the firm face economies of scale and diseconomies of scale? (Hint: This firm has a `\(U\)`-shaped LRAC.) --- # Long Run Costs and Scale Economies: Example <img src="2.4-slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png" width="864" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />